
PhilosophyTheories & Doctrines 

EthicsMetaphysicsHistorical Context


Οne of the most influential figures in ancient Greek philosophy - Pythagoras. Born around 570 BCE on the island of Samos, Pythagoras emerged as a polymath whose impact extended across mathematics, music, and philosophy.

Raised in Samos, a cultural hub at the time, Pythagoras' early years were undoubtedly shaped by the rich intellectual environment of the region. However, his thirst for knowledge led him to travel extensively, seeking wisdom from various sources. Reports suggest that he ventured as far as Egypt, where he studied the mathematical and philosophical principles that would later become integral to his own teachings.

In Egypt, Pythagoras is said to have delved into the mysteries of geometry and mathematics, absorbing the profound knowledge that would become synonymous with his name. It is essential to note that during this period, Pythagoras was not merely a passive learner; rather, he engaged in a dynamic exchange of ideas, further shaping his own philosophical outlook.

Returning to Greece, Pythagoras established a school in the city of Croton in southern Italy around 530 BCE. This school, often referred to as the Pythagorean School, was not merely an institution for learning but a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the profound connections between mathematics, music, and the cosmos.

The Pythagorean School became a haven for those seeking intellectual enlightenment, drawing scholars and disciples from various corners of the ancient world, while his intellectual legacy transcends Time.


Pythagorean philosophy intricately combines mathematical reasoning, spiritual beliefs, and ethical principles, presenting a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of the natural world and the human experience.

Despite the elusive nature of specific teachings due to the secretive practices of the school, the enduring impact of Pythagorean ideas is evident in the development of Western philosophical and mathematical thought.

Pythagorean Oath | #CosmicWisdomGr by | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.
At its core, this worldview weaves together various principles, encompassing the mystical significance of numbers, the extension of mathematical harmony to music through the Harmony of the Spheres, and the foundational Pythagorean Theorem as a representation of inherent mathematical harmony.
Beyond mathematics, Pythagoreanism embraces metaphysical concepts such as metempsychosis, suggesting a cycle of soul transmigration influenced by moral conduct. Ethical teachings underscore virtues like temperance, justice, and kindness as essential for spiritual progression through reincarnation.

The Pythagoreans delve into the philosophical exploration of opposites, positing that harmony arises from the interplay and balance between contrasting elements. This concept extends to dualities like light and darkness, odd and even numbers, and the limited and unlimited.

In cosmology, the Pythagoreans introduce the notion of a monadic principle, an indivisible unity from which all reality emanates. This idea shapes their understanding of the fundamental unity underlying the diverse phenomena observed in the universe.

Theories & Doctrines

The doctrines of Pythagoreanism were diverse and often expressed through symbolic and esoteric teachings. While the specifics of these doctrines were closely guarded within the Pythagorean school, some central themes and beliefs have been identified by later sources.
Numbers are keys of Universe
For Pythagoreans, numbers were not merely mathematical entities but held mystical and symbolic qualities, serving as a fundamental language to decipher the underlying order and harmony of the universe.
They ascribed unique qualities and meanings to each number, forming the basis of their numerology. In their view, certain numbers carried specific characteristics, vibrations, or cosmic energies that could be discerned and interpreted.
This belief extended beyond the realm of mathematics into a broader philosophical and metaphysical context.

Harmony of the Spheres
This concept extended mathematical principles to music, asserting that the relationships between musical intervals were governed by numerical ratios.
It suggested a cosmic order guided by mathematical harmony. The ratios of numerical relationships govern not only mathematical relationships but also the harmony in music and the natural world.
Pythagorean Theorem
The famous geometric principle that relates the sides of a right-angled triangle, symbolizing mathematical harmony inherent in the natural world.
While the Theorem is foundational in geometry and has practical applications, the Pythagoreans viewed it not merely as a mathematical proposition but as a symbol with profound metaphysical significance
The right-angled triangle, with its fixed and precise relationships between the sides, became a geometric representation of order and balance. The Pythagoreans saw these numerical relationships as reflections of a deeper cosmic order, wherein the principles governing geometry were entwined with the fundamental structures of the universe.
Metempsychosis (Transmigration of Souls)
Transmigration of Souls, is a philosophical and religious concept that involves the belief in the cyclical journey of the soul through multiple incarnations or lifetimes.
According to the concept of metempsychosis, the soul is considered eternal and immortal. Instead of a linear progression from birth to death, the soul undergoes a continuous cycle of rebirth, moving from one body to another.
The nature and quality of each subsequent life are believed to be influenced by the moral conduct and actions of the individual in their previous lives.  Thus, the concept of metempsychosis served as a framework for understanding the consequences of one's actions and the potential for spiritual growth or degradation over successive lifetimes.
Doctrine of Opposites & Philosophical Dualism 
The concept of dualities and opposites, such as light and darkness, odd and even numbers, and limited and unlimited. Harmony was believed to arise from the balance between these opposites. Exploration of the interplay of dualities and opposites, contributing to a broader understanding of harmonious balance in the cosmos.
Monad and Cosmology
In the Pythagorean worldview, the Monad is conceived as the ultimate, ineffable source or principle that transcends the diversity and multiplicity observed in the material world
The Monad represents the primal essence from which all reality emanates, suggesting a unified and harmonious origin for the diversity observed in the universe. It is an indivisible and all-encompassing unity that serves as the origin and foundation of everything in existence.
In contemplating the Monad, the Pythagoreans sought to understand the underlying unity that connects all aspects of reality. The Monad serves as a metaphysical anchor, providing a conceptual framework for the interconnectedness of the material and spiritual realms. It implies that, despite the apparent diversity and complexity of the world, there exists a singular, unifying principle that gives coherence to the entire cosmos.


For the Pythagoreans, ethics played a central role in their philosophical and spiritual teachings. Ethical living, according to Pythagorean principles, involved adhering to a set of moral guidelines and virtues that were believed to contribute to the purification and progression of the soul; a means to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Their ethics encompassed a set of moral principles and virtues that were central to the philosophical and spiritual teachings of Pythagoras and his followers.

While the specifics of Pythagorean ethical principles may have varied, some key elements include:

Pythagoras | #CosmicWisdomGr by | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.
Temperance (Sophrosyne)
Temperance involved the moderation and balance of one's desires, emotions, and actions. The Pythagoreans emphasized self-control and avoidance of excess as essential for leading a virtuous life.

Justice (Dikaiosyne)
Justice, according to Pythagorean ethics, meant treating others fairly and impartially. It involved acting in accordance with moral principles and upholding a sense of equity and righteousness.

Truthfulness (Aletheia)
Truthfulness was a valued virtue in Pythagorean ethics. Pythagoreans were encouraged to be honest and sincere in their words and actions, avoiding falsehood and deception.

Kindness (Philanthropia)
Kindness towards others and compassion were considered virtuous qualities. Pythagoreans believed in the importance of cultivating a benevolent and empathetic attitude toward all living beings.

Respect for All Life
Pythagoreans extended their ethical considerations to encompass all living beings. They advocated for vegetarianism, believing in the interconnectedness of all life and the idea that harming other creatures could negatively impact one's own spiritual development.

Purity of Mind and Body
Ethical living for the Pythagoreans involved maintaining purity of both mind and body. This included engaging in intellectual pursuits that elevated the soul and practicing physical cleanliness and hygiene.

Harmony in Relationships
Pythagorean ethics emphasized the importance of cultivating harmonious relationships with others. This involved resolving conflicts amicably, promoting understanding, and fostering unity within communities.


In essence, Pythagorean metaphysics represents a seamless exploration of the underlying principles of reality, weaving together mathematical reasoning, spiritual insights, and contemplative practices to uncover the profound nature of existence. The interconnectedness of mathematics, metaphysics, and spirituality stands as a hallmark of Pythagorean thought.

The exploration of abstract mathematical concepts plays a pivotal role, with numbers seen as keys to unlocking deeper cosmic insights. Numbers, beyond mere tools for measurement, become symbolic representations of cosmic truths, guiding the understanding of reality.

Pythagorean principles used in their metaphysics : 

Monad as the Primal Unity
A central concept in Pythagorean metaphysics is the Monad, which represents an indivisible and primal unity from which all reality emanates. The Monad is considered the source and essence of existence, symbolizing a fundamental, unifying principle.

Harmony and Proportion
Pythagorean metaphysics explores the idea that the cosmos is governed by mathematical harmony and proportion. The Pythagoreans believed that numerical relationships and ratios underlie the structure of reality, from the movements of celestial bodies to the harmony in music.

Mathematical Abstractions
Pythagorean metaphysics involves the exploration of abstract mathematical concepts as fundamental to understanding the nature of reality. Numbers were not only seen as tools for measurement but as symbolic representations of deeper cosmic truths.

Transcendence and the Immortality of the Soul
The Pythagoreans explored the concept of the soul as immortal and divine, transcending the material world. Metempsychosis, or the transmigration of souls, is a metaphysical idea that reflects the belief in the soul's cyclical journey through various incarnations.

Dualism and the World of Forms
Pythagorean metaphysics introduced a dualistic perspective, exploring the interplay between opposites such as limited and unlimited, odd and even, and light and darkness. These dualities were thought to reflect deeper cosmic principles, influencing both the material and immaterial realms.


Historical Context
Pythagoras emerged within the historical tapestry of Ancient Greece, a period marked by profound intellectual and cultural developments. Nestled within the Ionian Enlightenment, Pythagoras' era witnessed the transition from mythical narratives to systematic inquiry, a shift from the realm of mythos to the pursuit of logos.

This epoch, characterized by the burgeoning city-states and intellectual hubs like Miletus, laid the groundwork for the philosophical exploration of the natural world.

Comparison with Adversary
Pythagoras did encounter opposition and criticism from certain quarters, particularly as his ideas and influence grew.

Pythagorean ideas sometimes clashed with other philosophical schools. For instance, the Presocratic philosopher Heraclitus, known for his doctrine of constant change, presented a contrasting worldview to the Pythagorean emphasis on mathematical order and stability.

The dynamics of intellectual and philosophical interactions in Ancient Greece were complex, and Pythagoras' ideas, rather than being directly opposed by a specific adversary, found themselves entwined in the broader currents of philosophical discourse during his time.

Influence on Later Philosophers
Pythagoras' influence on later philosophers was profound and multifaceted, extending across various domains of thought, including mathematics, philosophy, and mysticism. 

His impact is discernible through the contributions of later thinkers who drew inspiration from or engaged with Pythagorean ideas.

• Ethics and Virtue : Pythagorean ethical teachings, emphasizing temperance, justice, and kindness, had echoes in later ethical philosophies. The Stoics, for instance, drew connections between ethical living and spiritual well-being, echoing Pythagorean principles.

Mathematics :  Central to Pythagorean mathematics was the contemplation of abstract mathematical concepts and their relationships. This emphasis on mathematical abstraction, coupled with the Pythagorean belief in the harmony of the natural world, became a wellspring of inspiration for later mathematicians. The idea that mathematical relationships mirrored the cosmic order found expression in the Harmony of the Spheres concept, influencing minds like Johannes Kepler and subsequent practitioners of mathematical sciences.

• Mysticism and Spirituality : The Pythagoreans' emphasis on the soul's immortality and the concept of metempsychosis influenced later mystical and religious traditions. The Neoplatonists, such as Plotinus, incorporated Pythagorean ideas into their spiritual philosophy, seeking to understand the divine through mathematical and metaphysical principles.

• Educational Philosophy : The Pythagorean focus on intellectual discipline, contemplation, and the idea of an inner circle with esoteric teachings influenced later educational philosophies. The idea of an elite group of initiates dedicated to philosophical and mathematical pursuits resonated in various philosophical schools.

Influence on Western Thought
Pythagoras' multifaceted contributions have become interwoven into the cultural fabric of Western civilization. His ideas continue to shape the way subsequent generations approach the understanding of reality, the pursuit of knowledge, and the intricate interplay between mathematical principles and the natural world.

In matters of mysticism and religion, Pythagorean ideas surrounding the mystical significance of numbers and the transmigration of souls left an indelible mark on later mystical and religious traditions. The revival of Pythagorean thought during the Renaissance contributed to esoteric and spiritual currents in Western philosophical and religious discourse.

Pythagorean ideas influenced the development of ancient Greek music theory. The work of Aristoxenus, a later Greek theorist, incorporated Pythagorean concepts into his treatises on rhythm, melody, and harmony. These theoretical foundations continued to shape music theory in subsequent centuries.

Influence on Western Metaphysics
Pythagorean metaphysics introduced a dualistic perspective, exploring the interplay between opposites such as limited and unlimited, odd and even, and light and darkness. This dualism influenced later metaphysical discussions on the nature of reality, the relationship between opposing forces, and the quest for balance and harmony.

In addition, they shaped cosmological views by positing a monadic principle as the source of all reality. This idea influenced later cosmological and ontological discussions, inspiring thinkers to explore the origins and underlying unity of the cosmos.

The emphasis on unity, harmony, mathematical abstraction, and the exploration of the soul's transcendent journey influenced subsequent metaphysical inquiries and contributed to the rich tapestry of Western philosophical exploration.

The concept of metempsychosis  influenced subsequent discussions on the nature of the self, personal identity, and the possibility of transcending the material realm. It laid the groundwork for later philosophical and religious perspectives on the eternal nature of consciousness.

 Pythagoras - Respect & Freedom. | #CosmicWisdomGr by | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.


Pythagoras' contribution to project's Four Pillars

Nature {human, Soul, Cosmic}

While Pythagorean teachings on the soul are veiled in ancient mysticism, their principles collectively convey a holistic perspective. Pythagoras' philosophy encourages a nuanced understanding of the soul as an eternal entity engaged in a dynamic, transformative journey shaped by ethical conduct, harmony, and a connection to the underlying unity of existence.

The Pythagoreans attributed mystical and symbolic significance to numbers. While not directly focused on the soul, their fascination with the mathematical order of the cosmos suggested a connection between mathematical principles and the metaphysical nature of the soul. The belief in numerical symbolism hinted at a deeper, cosmic order that encompassed the soul's existence.

In essence, Pythagoreanism offers a philosophical toolkit that combines mathematical precision, ethical principles, and metaphysical insights to enhance our understanding of reality. By integrating these theories into our worldview, we gain a richer perspective that extends beyond the surface of daily life, enabling usto navigate the intricacies of existence with greater awareness and harmony.

Virtues & Pathe

The Pythagoreans believed in the significance of certain virtues and their impact on spiritual ascent. They emphasized the ethical dimension of the number three, associating it with virtues such as prudence, drive, and good fortune.

Additionally, Pythagoreanism placed a strong emphasis on harmony and proportion, equating justice with geometrical proportion and advocating for the pursuit of universal justice.

The philosophy also stressed the importance of moral virtues such as temperance, order, bravery, loyal friendship, and obedience to rulers and the law.

Furthermore, Pythagoreanism taught the virtues of devotion, faith, piety, and measure through harmony as a dominating principle.

Balances & Harmony 

Pythagoreanism views harmony as a fundamental principle that permeates the mathematical, musical, ethical, and cosmic dimensions of existence. The pursuit of harmony involves recognizing and reconciling opposites, embracing mathematical proportions, and aligning ethical conduct with the principles of balance and unity.
Ethical living and adherence to virtues such as justice, temperance, and kindness were seen as essential for maintaining harmony within the soul. Dissonance in ethical conduct was thought to disrupt the harmony of the soul.
In summary, Pythagorean philosophy seeks to balance the self and the soul by integrating ethical principles, intellectual development, mystical practices, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence. This holistic approach aims to foster harmony, equilibrium, and a deep understanding of the self's connection to the eternal nature of the soul.

The Pythagoreans were known for periods of silence and introspection. Silence was considered a means of turning inward, fostering inner reflection, and connecting with the deeper aspects of the self. This practice aimed to cultivate a state of mental clarity and spiritual awareness.

Pythagorean meditation may have involved symbolic visualization, where initiates contemplated abstract symbols and geometric shapes. The symbolic significance attributed to numbers and shapes played a role in their mystical and philosophical contemplations.

They were encouraged to contemplate abstract concepts, philosophical principles, and the interconnectedness of various branches of knowledge. This contributed to the purification of the soul and the pursuit of wisdom.

Mathematical inquiry served as a key tool, with numbers as symbolic gateways to understanding. Observation of the natural world, encompassing celestial movements and patterns in nature, complemented these efforts.

#CWGR Articles
ত , links to X thread

   ¶8 • Existential Geometry - Triangle of self
   Metaphysical facet of Numbers
   Plato's Lambda on Tetraktys
   Harmony of Spheres
   Prime & Perfect numbers

Theme ¶8 Articles :

Ontology - existential philosophy.
Synthesis • "Hellenic Ontology of Psyche" .
Teleology - Aristotle's philosophy of Cosmic Tapestry.
Synthesis • "Cosmic Meta-Logistics" .

Available readings on Bookshelf :

Secret teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall


A meta-ontological project with which i aim to enable & nurture Spiritual cultivation; to enhance our Minds with Wisdom of Cosmos & profound Truths of Reality, as discovered by Cosmic Consciousnesses of ancient Greece that explored Nature and unveiled it's elements and Essence.

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