∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy @_eself

{paused at least}
Esoteric Alchemy laboratory

Virtuous Spiritual Cultivation

Awareness. Mindfulness. Consciousness.

Working with Essences

Φinding Balances

Distillments & Transmutations

μουσικὴν ποίει καὶ ἐργάζου

Theist. Christian.


Mentors : Plato, Aristotle, Socrates .
Primary influences : Pythagoras,
Neoplatonists, Parmenides
The Forms are existential beacons.
Stoic mindset
• self-awareness to the level of Core & movements of psyche.
• Withstand with Reason & transmute hardships into valuable wisdom about self & being within Life.
•  Sow & cultivate the fields of self with Virtues. Implement to Mind & imbue Heart.
• "Amor fati" & "Memento mori", in cosmic order.
• journey towards Eudaimonia
~ Ithaca is a state of Being ~
Aristotelian Ethics & Balancing .
Socratic methodology in approaching Truth and wisdom.

Methexis is substantial for essential cultivation.

Religion - Christian (i dare to say), Greek/Eastern Orthodox.

Through the aeons & even in Today's Time, there are countless gerons, ascetics, and monks that offered godly wisdom either by sharing their experiences as "lessons learnt" or via their experiential understanding of Logos.

A genealogy of God to wholeheartedly trust :
St. Joseph the Hesychast, St. Ephraim Katounakiotis, St. Joseph of Vatopedi, St. Paisios the Athonite, St. Porphyrios the Kafsokalyvite, Geron Athanasios of Lemesos

Nectarios of Pentapolis, St.Nicodemus the Hagiorite, St.John Climacus.
(and Andreas Konanos)

Methexis is substantial for essential cultivation.

Spirit has two trails; of Intellect & of Psyche (psychoemotional).
Both are cultivated accordingly.

Mental Health & psycho-emotional ripples

∞ Social & Generalized Anxiety
• base def-mechanism: Mindset
• mindfulness, for emerging-urges
• conscious breathing to handle emotions/sentiments
* tip [since you're here] : work on the "generalized" aspect.

∞ surviving HSP Empath
• managing to keep the Core luminous
• detoxifying & replenishing daily [got a furry freelancer therapist at home]

INFJ-A  "preset" troubles {owned or mindfully exploring}
• Ni-Ti loopin

• Tripped' Se wire
• Analysis-Paralysis
• A ➺ T ➺ A
• Doorslam is a Core boundary |  "Fe freeze" is defense.

¶8 • Pilcrow to Eternity

"Noetic trails & Mental paths for Virtuous Spiritual Cultivation."
Mindfully qreated philosophical constellations to spark your Spirit, as you noetically journey on conceptual edges & contemplate on contextual vertices.
For feedback, please read the ko-fi post.

Esoteric Alchemy [got some colors]
Intellectual Meditations sprouted with guidelines.
Will pop some fireworks when the first meditation is published.
Existential Geometry - Triangle of self [self-development guidelines]

#CosmicWisdomGr -paused to develop- [on site, on X]
meta-Ontological Project aiming to 
cultivate our Intellects, broaden our mental Horizons, and elevate our Spirits towards Agathó.

With a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers & a grounding Stoic node,
i explore
Nature {human,Soul,Cosmic}, Virtues & Pathe, Balances & Harmony, and Methexis.

#CosmicWisdomGr by | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

Visit the Project's Archway ,
or check the Articles Index .

Converge with the constellation of philosophers to learn more about each one's philosophy and what is his unique contribution to the project, fostering your spiritual cultivation.

❈ If you're PINterested ~ visit the project's Pin board, or have a look at the EsoAlchemy one.

Mindfulness nano-scripts #DoT -paused- [woven into threads on X]
With a "Dose of Tranquility", we utilize nano-scripts and transform them into Mindfulness practices for mental breathing, emotional alleviation and spiritual uplifting. 

Visit the links and enjoy a "Dose of Tranquility" :

37 • photos/illustrations
Themed scripts

Will renovate, re-launch & the universe will smile.

#NoteTo_self -active- [on X]
"Kind reminders & affirmations, qreated with care, to uplift the self and elevate the spirit."
1st collection - 40 Notes : "Stones to pebbles - the power of Transmutation".
Visit the project's Hashtag [#NoteTo_self] and enjoy a colorful scroll with essential messages.

Future collections will consist of 21 illustrated Notes.

Second collection
"Essences & Dynamics".
If you wish to sow, 
send a pigeon with your message. or reply to this tweet with
• a word, a poem, or illustration
• an eso-need to accommodate
• a preferred theme or aesthetic

Learning & qreating along the way...
- blueprinted "learning curves" -

Hellenic Meditation [↗ YouTube]  •  collection of 126 lectures by Altani Paliogianni.
a Journey to En  •  with Plotinus' Enneads. Visit the link to create your own ground-floor for exploration.
ত more t.b.a.

get a smurfin' surgery or the helmet of Magneto.

• regain Solitude & set up Solidarity
• amplify, qreate, magnify
• blockchain pavestones
• automations & flow
• self-develop.

_self Branches :

Support on KoFi
for parchment, ink, and treats for Marley.

Advocate Being | Preserve Essence of Humanity | Evolve the Species