#CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.


Ontology as an existential philosophy, is concerned with the study of existence and the nature of being. As a branch of philosophy, it examines Reality, beings as entities, their nature, their relations to Cosmos & it's elements, and how each one relates to other aspects of reality such as time, space, causality, and substance.
Combined with the study of "ontology of psyche" , our existence is enriched with a profound comprehension of human nature. It encompasses various facets that contribute to an in-depth understanding of the inherent human essence.
#CosmicWisdomGr is a meta-ontology project which aims to enhance our Minds with Wisdom of Cosmos & profound Truths of Reality, as discovered by Cosmic Consciousnesses of ancient Greece.
The philosophical constellation encompasses all the trails & paths i have traveled so far, and the four pillars of this project are my eternal fields of intellectual passion & experiential interest.

[re-launches in Dec.]
From Monday to Friday,
 one article per philosopher is published on site,
and as a core-info-thread on X .

The constellation of philosophers, are Spirits that took wings up to the Realm of Forms, expressed Ideas, explored Nature and unveiled it's elements and Essence. The final node is the grounding one.
#CosmicWisdomGr Philosophical constellation :

Parmenides & Eleatics
Stoics of Greece

Utilizing the intellectual trails they paved, we embark on a profound exploration of timeless wisdom, pursuing existential & transcendental insights that elevate one's Spirit & transform being.

The articles are either stand-alone pieces or part of a 'weekly theme' with the expertise of each philosopher & school contributing uniquely to the subject's exploration.
Tetraktys of Pillars :

Exploration of human nature, our nature as entities and as souls, and the nature of the Cosmos thus Reality's.

I explore with a Pythagorean lens because i share the perspective & belief on the trifold-nature of Cosmos, and hope to cultivate geometrical reasoning.
(My) Reality is Plato's Cosmos where the Forms & Ideas are existential beacons for the Soul's ascent. Exploring the Nature of Cosmos expands mental horizons and elevates the Spirit to the intelligible realm, and creates a trail for the Psyche to experience the Ideas in meditative sessions.

Virtues & Pathe
The writings of Ancient Greek philosophers on Virtues & Pathe, are scientific methods to read as to comprehend the theory of these energies & their cosmic polarities and then mindfully become aware of their manifestations "within oneself" and gradually balance in the midst of their dynamics ~ if not completely discard what is not of Agathó­.

Complementary soul-reading is entirely Christian and trusted upon the Greek Orthodox genealogy of God.  (not published but implemented to my personal experience as a human being. you might get one or two "sprinkles" in philosophical articles over-Time)

Balances & Harmony
Having as principle to "perpetually evolve & gradually develop", the key action is Balance ~ Calibrating oneself within everyday life as to being in accord with chosen Values & living with the preferred system of morals and ethical framework.

Besides raising our self-Awareness, we need to learn and own our eso-Logistics, as to achieve essential Harmony.

Eso-Logistics of a self & psyche in Cosmos : 

❈ movements of the psyche within the body
❈ emotional manifestations of urges & drives
❈ their translations by or perceptions of, the Mind and their effect.
❈ the dynamics of universal polarities &/or cosmic energies.

Harmony, is explored with a variety of lenses, almost as many as our existential facets.
For the Soul , for the self, a lens for Being, and a lens for Life & Cosmic existence. The articles are either topic-specific or a bundle-as-tip .

Methexis is an existential art, that expands with Awareness, evolves Mindfulness, and enables Consciousness to experience the intelligible and its energies, but also enhances our lives with qualities & values.

eso-alchemy.gr ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy @_eself

Rooted in a Neoplatonic perspective with theological implications, Methexis occupies a unique place in the cosmic wisdom discourse.

Methexis, in its Neoplatonic context, suggests a profound connection between the individual soul and the divine, emphasizing the soul's participation with a variety of practices.

This concept explores the participatory nature of existence, where the being enters the divine dance within the cosmic order; the intellect elevates towards the Ideas, psyche experiences the Forms, and the spirit uplifts in the blissful divine energies.

The practices that i will bring forth while searching & researching are methods for meditations and contemplating, as well as material to use as noetic trails.

I'm an artistic person, and an alternative & holistic therapist. expect "customs"  .

As a # Project on X, the Constellation illuminates 5 times per week.

The respective days are :

Monday ∞ Parmenides & Eleatics
Tuesday ∞
Wednesday ∞
Thursday ∞
Friday ∞
Stoics of Greece

Visit the Index page for the posts published so far & links to their respective  X • threads.

"Converge" with each philosopher, by visiting their respective page and get informed on their lives, philosophies, theories & doctrines, some existential context, and their unique contributions to the project under the lenses of the Four Pillars.

Parmenides & Eleatics

Parmenides introduced a profound philosophical perspective centered on the concept of "Being." He posited that the ultimate reality is eternal, unchanging, and indivisible, challenging the conventional notions of a world in constant flux.

He rejected the reality of change and multiplicity, asserting that sensory perceptions were deceptive, and only reason could lead to genuine knowledge. According to him, the phenomenal world was an illusory manifestation, and the true nature of reality, characterized by unity and homogeneity, could only be apprehended through philosophical inquiry and rational understanding.

The Eleatics, as a collective, fostered a contemplative approach to understanding the nature of reality and the human soul. Their emphasis on reason, rejection of sensory deception, and acknowledgment of an unchanging essence influenced subsequent philosophical traditions and initiated profound inquiries into the nature of being, leaving a lasting legacy in the tapestry of ancient Greek thought.

Parmenides of Elea | #CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

Eleatic philosophy challenges conventional perceptions of reality by asserting that only the unchanging, eternal "One" is real, relegating the sensory world to illusion. This prompts a profound reevaluation, shifting focus from the transient to the enduring as the true substance of existence.

Parmenides' emphasis on the unity and immutability of ultimate reality contributes to the concept of cosmic harmony, fostering a sense of balance through recognizing the oneness of existence and the interconnectedness of all things.

This holistic perspective underscores the harmonious balance in apparent diversity. The integration of monistic principles guides ethical living, intellectual rigor enhances cognitive capacities, and contemplation of the One deepens spiritual awareness, creating a seamless and transformative spiritual journey.

These dimensions align individuals with the timeless wisdom and cosmic truths unveiled by Parmenides and the Eleatic school of Philosophy.

Converge with the Philosopher .


Proclus, a prominent figure in Neoplatonism, presents a comprehensive metaphysical philosophy rooted in the belief that all reality emanates from a singular, ineffable source known as "The One." Within his intricate framework, the soul emerges as a dynamic principle, serving as a self-moving bridge between the transcendent and the immanent.

The heart of the Proclean system : the One, constantly funding the lesser realities, proceeding through the two valves that lend their pulse to all things:

  • the ápeiron, the unlimited that sheds its energies to as it were imply the next level of reality,
  • the péras, the limit that defines and stabilizes the identity of the intelligible worlds that function in turn as the fulcra, so to say, for ever lower reaches of reality, funneling their own cycles of procession and reversion into the order of souls.

Proclus categorizes various types of souls, ranging from the divine to the human, enriching the exploration of their diverse manifestations. His emphasis on recollection as foundational to the soul's knowledge and active participation in its own enlightenment provides valuable insights for delving into the realms of metaphysics and spiritual understanding.

His Neoplatonic worldview accentuates the hierarchical structure of existence, inviting contemplation on the interconnectedness of all things and the divine triad of The One, Intellect, and Soul. This philosophy encourages a holistic engagement with metaphysical concepts, aiming for spiritual ascent and a profound understanding of the nature enveloping our lived experience.

Proclus encourages intellectual ascent through reason and contemplation, providing a pathway to a deeper comprehension of the intelligible realm and the cosmic order. In practical terms, his philosophy offers a framework for esoteric work, sowing virtues, and uprooting passions by aligning with higher principles.

Proclus | #CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

In the realm of philosophical exploration, Proclus stands as a luminary within the Neoplatonic tradition, his teachings casting a profound light on Nature, the intricacies of 'being', and the Soul's journey of spiritual cultivation, purification, and eventually ascent within it's -φ- spiral and towards Agathó­.

His contributions illuminate journeys through the lenses of the project's Four Pillars, guiding seekers through the labyrinth of metaphysical inquiry, and within the cosmic tapestry.

Proclus' philosophy enhances the essential , inviting seekers to unravel the mysteries of the soul, explore the nature of reality, seek balance and harmony, with contemplative epistemology.

Converge with the Philosopher .


Pythagoras, a foundational figure in the Pythagorean tradition, formulated a philosophy that seamlessly blended mathematics, metaphysics, and spirituality.

Central to his teachings is the concept of the Monad, representing the principle of unity and the source of all existence. The Monad emanates the dyad, symbolizing duality and opposition, and from their interaction arises the harmony of the Triad. Pythagoras believed that these numerical principles were not just abstract concepts but fundamental to understanding the structure of reality.

In addition to numerical symbolism, Pythagoreanism places a profound emphasis on the concept of harmony. The Pythagoreans viewed harmony not only as a mathematical ratio but as an organizing principle inherent in the cosmos. This harmony, expressed through the ratios of musical intervals and the geometric proportions of the cosmos, reflects the divine order governing all existence.

For Pythagoras, the pursuit of harmony in mathematics, music, and life was a path to a higher, more balanced state of being, aligning individuals with the cosmic order and the fundamental principles that shape the universe.

Pythagoreans adhered to a distinctive monastic lifestyle characterized by communal living, ascetic practices, and strict adherence to a set of ethical and mathematical principles. In their communities, known as the "akousmatics," members pursued intellectual and spiritual pursuits while emphasizing the importance of silence and contemplation.

Pythagoras - Respect & Freedom. | #CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

Pythagoras' philosophy offers a profound framework for spiritual cultivation and ascent, emphasizing the eternal and transformative nature of the soul. Rooted in ancient mysticism, Pythagorean teachings present a holistic perspective, guiding individuals on a dynamic journey shaped by ethical conduct, harmonic living, and a deep connection to the underlying unity of existence.

Pythagoreanism provides a comprehensive philosophical toolkit that combines mathematical precision, ethical principles, and metaphysical insights to enhance understanding of reality.

By integrating these theories into one's worldview, there is a potential for a richer perspective that extends beyond the surface of daily life, fostering greater awareness and harmony.

The philosophy views harmony as a fundamental principle permeating various dimensions of existence, including the mathematical, musical, ethical, and cosmic. This pursuit of harmony involves recognizing and reconciling opposites, and ethical living, characterized by virtues such as justice, temperance, and kindness, is deemed essential for maintaining harmony within the soul, highlighting the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

Converge with the Philosopher


Plotinus, a prominent figure in Neoplatonism, presents a metaphysical philosophy centered on the concept of emanation from a singular, transcendent source known as "the One."

In his Enneads, Plotinus outlines a hierarchical structure of reality, where the One emanates the Intellect, which, in turn, emanates the Soul. The material world is the furthest emanation from the One.

Central to Plotinus's philosophy is the ascent of the soul, a transformative journey back to unity with the divine source. He advocates for intellectual contemplation, detachment from material desires, and the cultivation of virtues as essential elements in this spiritual ascent.

He emphasizes introspection and self-awareness, directing attention inward to contemplate the inner being beyond external distractions. Exploring the nature of the soul involves understanding its connection to higher realms, recognizing its unity with the divine, and embarking on a transformative journey toward spiritual ascent.

Plotinus's Neoplatonism emphasizes the interconnectedness of all existence and the pursuit of unity with higher principles. The soul, according to Plotinus, possesses the potential for self-realization and enlightenment through intellectual contemplation and ethical living. The ultimate goal is the soul's union with the One, representing a state of profound harmony and oneness.

Plotinus | #CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

Plotinus's philosophy, as presented in "the Enneads," provides a holistic framework for exploring the nature of the self, the soul, and reality. Through intellectual contemplation, ethical living, and a recognition of the interconnectedness of all existence, Plotinus guides individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual ascent.

He sees virtues as essential components in the soul's spiritual ascent, while addressing vices as obstacles hindering this ascent. Virtuous behavior contributes to the purification of the soul, fostering a harmonious alignment with the divine order and creating a sense of balance and order within the individual.

Plotinus' philosophy provides a comprehensive guide for navigating the complexities of existence, striving for a more balanced and harmonious life through the cultivation of virtues and the avoidance of vices. 

The Neoplatonic worldview, provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the nature of reality, the self, and the spiritual journey, offering valuable insights for those seeking a deeper comprehension of metaphysics and the interconnected fabric of existence.

Converge with the Philosopher

Stoics of Greece

Stoicism, a Hellenistic philosophical school founded by Zeno of Citium, offers a practical and resilient approach to navigating life's challenges. Central to Stoic philosophy is the notion that individuals have control over their internal states and attitudes, while external events are beyond their control.

The Stoics advocate for cultivating virtues, particularly wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance, as the key to achieving inner tranquility and leading a virtuous life. They emphasize the importance of accepting the natural order of the cosmos, promoting a mindset of equanimity in the face of adversity.

Stoicism introduces the concept of the "dichotomy of control," dividing experiences into things one can control (one's thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors) and things one cannot control (external events, other people's actions). The philosophy encourages individuals to focus their energy on what is within their control, fostering resilience and a sense of autonomy.

Stoicism also incorporates mindfulness and self-discipline as essential tools for managing passions and desires, leading to a harmonious and balanced life. Ultimately, Stoicism serves as a practical guide for individuals seeking a path to virtuous living, resilience in the face of challenges, and a profound sense of inner peace.

Zeno of Citium | #CosmicWisdomGr by eso-alchemy.gr | Meta-Ontological Project aiming to enlighten our Intellects with a harmonious Constellation of Cosmic Philosophers.

Stoicism provides a framework that transcends the superficialities of daily life, inviting us to cultivate virtues such as wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.

By embracing self-awareness and introspection, Stoicism encourages us to understand our inner landscape, recognize our values, and fortify our moral character. Stoicism offers us timeless wisdom for the journey of self-discovery and understanding within the broader cosmic order.

The Stoic emphasis on the discipline of desire, mindfulness, and the dichotomy of control empowers you to navigate the complexities of existence with resilience and clarity, fostering a profound sense of inner peace.

On the path of spiritual ascendance, Stoicism becomes a trusted companion, offering transformative practices for continuous self-improvement. Through the consistent application of Stoic principles, we cultivate a harmonious alignment with the cosmic order.
Stoicism teaches us to transcend the transient nature of external events, redirect desires toward virtuous actions, and view challenges as opportunities for growth. By embodying Stoic virtues, we ascend beyond the tumultuous waves of fleeting emotions, anchoring our self in the serenity of reason and the enduring wisdom of the Stoic tradition.
This philosophical journey becomes transformative, guiding us toward a higher state of consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.

Have you an interest in Ontology, an overview is available here .
general info - categories - concepts - principles

Complementary ¶8 Synthesis • "Hellenic Ontology of Psyche" .

Intellectual Meditations

Further explore philosophical concepts,
delve into the Essence of Universal Truths,

expand your mental horizons towards infinity,
and experience Cosmic Forms & Ideas.

Follow noetic trails that lead you to Cosmic horizons
& c
ultivate your Spirit via the path of Intellect.

Meditate on and Contemplate with,
concepts & theories, symbols & archetypes.

An intro guide is available here.

eso-alchemy.gr ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy
 Feel free to send a pigeon with specific or holistic feedback.