Pilcrow to E6 Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

 ¶8 • Pilcrow to Eternity

Meta-Logistics of Cosmos

Four CausesEimarméneEntelécheia"Causalities"

Meditating & Contemplating

In Cosmos, besides the psycho-genetic force of Necessity, 4 fundamental causes exist and are the core-threads of all that is manifested & actualized.

Aristotle believed that understanding the four causes was necessary for understanding the nature of things and their place in the world and as a theory it was a core principle of his philosophy. 

The four causes are intertwined with everything that ever existed, with all that is present, and all that will be, in all Realms of the Above and all spectrums of the Below. They are not mutually exclusive, and several answers to the question "Why" have to be given to explain a phenomenon and especially the actual configuration of an object.

Four Causes

Τελικόν ~ Ποητικόν ~ Ειδητικόν ~ Υλικό
Telikón ~ Poiitikón ~ Eiditikón ~ Ylikó
Final ~ Efficient ~ Formal ~ Material

Could the 4 Causes be the Reasoning of the Cosmic Noesis, with which the Logos is manifested & actualized ? 

! The 4 Causes can also be perceived as the metaprismatic actualization of Necessity in Time.

Telikón : refers to the purpose or end for which something exists. | the final cause of a table is to support objects.

Poiitikón : refers to the agent or force that brings about a change or creates something. | the efficient cause of a table is the carpenter who made it from wood.

Eiditikón : refers to the form or shape that a thing takes. | the formal cause of a table is its design with four legs of equal length.

Ylikó : refers to the matter or substance out of which something is made. | the material cause of a table is the wood that it is made of.

A playground of causes & causalities is available here.
Theme : Zeus married Chthonēe, offered her a veil which turned her to Gaia.

Everyday examples that illustrate the Four Causes :

When cooking a meal, the material cause might be the ingredients, the formal cause is the recipe or dish's design, the efficient cause is the chef and cooking process, and the final cause is the meal's purpose, such as providing nourishment or enjoyment.

• In the context of a car, the material cause is the metal, plastic, and other materials used in its construction, the formal cause is its design and structure, the efficient cause is the manufacturing process and the assembly line workers, and the final cause is transportation and mobility.

• When considering a plant, the material cause is the plant's physical matter, the formal cause is its genetic structure and species, the efficient cause is the growth and development driven by sunlight and water, and the final cause is its contribution to the ecosystem and potential reproduction.

ত  ArcanaMinor, aka 'everyday life' ... 

Final cause, is the reason or goal ~ the why.
Efficient cause, is who-did-what.
Formal, is the morphogenetic factor.
Entelecheia refers to completeness or finalization, while Energeia refers to something's being-in-actuality.
Material cause, is the where (physical or not, person or place, even an occurrence/situation).

ত  ArcanaMajor, aka 'cosmic existence' ...

Telikón , refers to the purpose or end for which something exists or happens.
Poiitikón, refers to the agent or force that brings something into being or causes it to change.
Eiditikón, refers to the form or structure of something, which gives it its identity or essence. The cause of a thing's essence or what it is.
Ylikó, refers to the matter or substance [*] out of which something is made.


The Orphic hymns claim that the first being was Chronos (Time) who spawned Aither (Ether), Chaos (Unorder), and Erevos (Darkness). Time then created a cosmic egg in Ether and from it hatched a supreme being called Phanes, who is also called Protogonos, Eros, Metis, and Dionysus.

Heracletus said the essence of Eimarméne is the Logos, which rules everything.
Logos is what gives the universe its coherence and intelligibility, and it is what allows us to understand the world around us. In this sense, the Logos can be seen as a manifestation of 
Eimarméne, which is the force that governs the Logos and everything else in the universe.

Plato proposed that the gods are what they are, but within a framework ordained by Eimarméne, otherwise known as the cosmic Destiny, or the cosmic order-harmony.

Stoics saw Eimarméne as a goddess or being of fate/destiny in Greek mythology, and was associated with the orderly succession of cause and effect. They believed that everything that happened in the universe was predetermined by Eimarmene, and that humans had no control over their destiny.

For the 'Above', Eimarméne is the supreme force that directs and influences the entire world.

For the 'Below', Eimarmeni is that which predetermines under what conditions an event is to occur. Everyone's
Eimarméne is intertwined with his Fate, with his Destiny, with the pieces of Fortune/Luck... and everything unravels within Divine Providence.

The kosmos is a self-contained and unified manifestation of the divine word. The reason that governs the world pervades itself in every part of it. Each individual worldly because of this divine grace actively participates in the functioning of the world according to its assigned role.

Man being an individual rational nature contributes to cosmic processes as an individual. This special presence of him in the cosmic whole, states that in the universal becoming, cosmic and human events are not independent but are both performed based on his common source: reason. Nature in Stoicism is identical with god and is united to man by reason
.❞ [Long, 2012:179]

Eimarméne is the transcendental thread of the cosmic tapestry.
From the grand scheme to our everyday lives, and from Chaos to Divine Order (Ευταξία) ...
Eimarméne funnels & disperses.

Eimarméne is the recurrence - factor,
of Life's Cosmic fountain.

Whatever Essence [*] Eimarméne funnels into our individual lives, 'she' disperses into 9 factors or conditions. These factors are also widely known as Aristotle's categories.

What Eimarméne delivers is unavoidable, but we do have a 'saying' on how things will evolve. The cosmic fountain will recycle; through Recurrence, Universe will balance. What we can avoid is experiencing patterns that are destructive in the Now, thus start weaving & rippling from Present to Future.

Whether it is actions (verbal or not) that print their effect in the external world, or with eso-actualizations that effect our Being, we can affect Eimarméne and, in a way, co-create the cosmic tapestry.

ত If we use a Pythagorean lens on Eimarméne, and we should because it's ψυχαγωγικό, we can find a very intriguing cosmic analogy.

Stay tuned....
8 Existential Geometry  a Pythagorean Dual
# article : Triangle of self

Pilcrow To Eternity - Cosmic Meta Logistics - eso-alchemy.gr ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

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The word entelecheia was created by Aristotle from the two words εντελές + έχειν .
Εντελεχής is the one that has the "end", the purpose within it, therefore the replete, the complete.

Aristotle uses the word entelecheia many times in his works, as a "tool", to express himself more fully, more clearly, more scientifically and in a philosophical way.

Entelecheia denotes the transition of matter from the inert to the active state, with the taking of form (species, arch.) but also the cause of this transition.

ত Examples for understanding entelecheia :
The soul for Aristotle is the essence of the body.
Necessary, therefore, the soul is essentially as a kind of body with natural power having life, the second essence is entelecheia, therefore the entelecheia of such a body.
The journey from body to soul is entelecheia.
~ Aristotle, On the Soul, B, 412a, 20-22.

As a fundamental concept in Aristotle's philosophy, is closely related to his teleological view of the universe and the idea of cosmic or natural teleology.

Entelecheia represents the realization or actualization
of the inherent potential and purpose of an entity

It is a key element in understanding the connection between the body, the soul, and the overarching cosmic order.

It connects the essence of the body, the soul, and the overarching cosmic order.

emphasizing the idea that everything in the natural world has a role and purpose, and it strives to achieve that purpose through the process of entelecheia.

The Essence of the Body and the Soul:
The soul is not a separate, immaterial entity but is intimately connected to the body. The soul is the organizing principle that gives a particular body its specific characteristics and functions.

The Soul provides life to the body, and it is the source of the body's capacity to perform its various functions.

The Role of Entelecheia in the Soul-Body Relationship:
The soul is essential because it imparts entelecheia to the body. This entelecheia is the realization of the body's potential and purpose. In the context of a living organism, entelecheia refers to the actualization of its inherent capacities and functions.

It is the journey from potential to actual, from the undeveloped state to the fully developed and functioning state.

Cosmic Logos and Teleology:
Aristotle's teleological view extends beyond individual organisms to the entire cosmos. The natural world, as a whole, is organized and guided by a cosmic order or cosmic logos. This cosmic order includes a hierarchy of purposes, with each level striving to fulfill its unique function and contribute to the harmony of the whole.

In this cosmic order, entelecheia plays a crucial role. It is the mechanism by which each entity in the universe strives to achieve its purpose or telos.

The entelecheia of an individual organism contributes to the larger harmony and teleological structure of the cosmos. Just as an organism realizes its potential and fulfills its purpose through entelecheia, the entire universe operates according to this principle.

Teleology and Purpose : Everything in the natural world has a purpose or telos. Understanding the telos and the process of entelecheia is crucial for comprehending the essence and existence of a thing.

The realization of this purpose occurs through entelecheia. In metaphysical ontology, this means that the existence and nature of an entity are intricately linked to its telos or final cause.

Entelecheia is the mechanism through which an entity,
whether it be a living being or any natural phenomenon,
achieves its telos or final cause.

It represents the actualization of the inherent
potential and purpose of an entity.
In other words, it is the process by which
something fulfills its intended role
in the grand scheme of the universe.

Read more on Aristotle's Teleology


Entelecheia plays a crucial role in shaping Aristotle's understanding of being, potentiality, and actuality, which are central concepts in metaphysical ontology.

It provides a framework for understanding the actualization of potential, the relationship between essence and existence, the nature of change, and the teleological aspect of the natural world.

It is a fundamental concept that helps elucidate the structure of reality and the way in which entities come into being, fulfill their purposes, and achieve their true nature.

Actuality and Potentiality : The distinction between actuality (entelecheia) and potentiality is fundamental. Entelecheia represents the actualized state of being, the realization of an entity's inherent potential, whereas potentiality refers to what an entity can become.

Actuality (Entelecheia): Entelecheia represents the actualized state of being. It signifies the point at which an entity's inherent potential has been fully realized or actualized. In other words, it's the state of existence where an entity has achieved its true and complete form or nature.

This actualized state is when an entity is fully what it's meant to be, and all of its inherent capacities and characteristics are expressed. It's the "here and now" of an entity's existence, where it embodies its true essence. 

Potentiality, on the other hand, refers to what an entity can become. It represents the inherent capacities, possibilities, and potential characteristics that an entity possesses but has not yet realized. Potentiality is about what something could be or do in the future.

Entities have potentialities because they have the inherent capacity to change, develop, and evolve. These potentialities are an integral part of their nature and form the basis for their ability to transition from one state to another.

This distinction allows Aristotle to explore the nature of change, development, and causation

Substance and Essence : Substance refers to the fundamental nature of a thing, while essence refers to what makes a thing what it is.

Substance is the first category and to which Aristotle gives a privileged position. Aristotle claimed that substance is prior to other beings.
Entelecheia is intimately connected to the essence of a substance. It signifies the actualization of the essence, bringing forth the true nature or form of a thing, since it helps define what it means for something to be a particular substance with its unique identity. The basic subjects must belong to the category of substance.

Substance is essence, but there are important qualifications. For, as he points out, "definition (horismos), like 'what-it-is' (ti esti), is said in many ways too" (1030a19). That is, items in all the categories are definable, so items in all the categories have essences—just as there is an essence of man, there is also an essence of white and an essence of musical.

But, because of the pros hen equivocity of 'is', such essences are secondary—"in the primary (protôs) and unconditional way (haplôs) definition and the essence belong to substances" (1030b4–6). Thus, it is only these primary essences that are substances.

Substance, delves into the fundamental nature of a thing, serving as the very cornerstone of existence. It precedes all other beings, finding its place at the pinnacle of ontological hierarchy. Within Aristotle's complex framework, it is identified as the first category of beings, characterized by qualities of durability, separability, and self-identity.
In the Categories, Aristotle emphasizes that substances are distinguished by their ability to survive through change, and that they are the fundamental subjects of being

Substances can manifest as either primary substances, the unique individuals that populate our world, or secondary substances, which encapsulate broader categories and kinds.

Essence in philosophical discourse pertains to the defining quality that encapsulates what a thing truly is. It is the underlying cause of a substance's existence and plays a pivotal role in Aristotle's intricate ontology.

Essence is closely linked to Aristotle's thoughts on causality, intertwining with his profound view of the subject. It is the property or set of properties that makes a thing what it is. It is the defining characteristic or nature of a thing that distinguishes it from other things. Essence is closely linked to the concept of definition, which is the process of specifying the essential properties of a thing

Essence is not restricted to a particular category; it is a secondary essence found within all realms of existence, always associated with a specific kind of entity.

Change and Becoming : Aristotle's ontology addresses the nature of change and becoming. His distinctive ontological claim that being is inescapably diverse in kind is anchored in his argument for the existence of change.

Aristotle gave a non-circular definition of change, which was a groundbreaking analysis of change that has long been interpreted through a Platonist lens, in which being is conceived as unchanging.

The distinction between actuality and potentiality enables the explanation of "how things change in the world" and the breaking-down of the process. Change occurs when something transitions from a state of potentiality to a state of actuality.

Entelecheia is central to his explanation of how change occurs. When an entity undergoes change, it moves from potentiality to actuality. It represents the end state of that change, where the potential has been fully realized. This process of change and the role of entelecheia in it are fundamental aspects of Aristotle's ontology.

Hylomorphism : Everything is composed of matter (hyle) and form (morphe).

Aristotle's hylomorphism represents a foundational concept in his ontology, offering a comprehensive and nuanced way of approaching the composition and nature of entities in the natural world.

It provides a philosophical basis for understanding how matter and form are interrelated in shaping the diversity and complexity of the physical and living world.

Hyle (Matter) : "Hyle" (sometimes spelled "hyle") is the Greek term for matter, and in Aristotle's philosophy, it refers to the physical substance or material that makes up the physical world.

This matter is not just inert or passive; rather, it's the underlying, unformed, and potentially receptive element that gives physical reality its structure. Hyle is formless on its own and requires the imposition of form to have identity and structure. It serves as the substrate upon which form is impressed.

Morphe (Form) : "Morphe" (or "morphe") is the Greek term for form or shape. In Aristotle's hylomorphic framework, form is the organizing and defining principle that shapes and gives structure to matter.

Form is what provides identity, purpose, and characteristics to an entity. It is the specific configuration or arrangement that differentiates one thing from another.

Entelecheia is closely associated with the form or essence of a thing, as it signifies the actualization of that form within matter. It exemplifies how form and matter interact to give rise to individual substances.

 Meditations & Contemplating

On the Path of Spirituality, one may wonder about the benefits that transcend the mere expansion of mental horizons to cosmic realms. Regardless of the amount of knowledge one has gathered, Reality - The Reality - is experienced. We can understand what is True, but the Real is to be felt , to be holistically experienced, to be within without being.

Méthexis, on one hand, is an "Art of Being". Althouth it sounds poetic, Méthexis is a wonder-full  factor, condition, & process, with which a human being fulfills part of his/her Nature. On the other hand, it is our "Art of Loom" with which we contribute to the Cosmic Tapestry.

In both aspects, Entelécheia is the current of Life's cosmic fountain, while Eimarméne is responsible for the waves.

on Entelécheia

Intellectual meditation on Entelécheia, will deepen the understanding of yourself as you explore towards the Core of your Existence & Being. It fosters self-realization, and nurtures essential growth, towards Purpose.

Philosophical contemplation on Entelécheia, with the intent of reflection, may mirror our Life's Purpose and our Dynamics of Being. Introspect for your potential, goals, and aspirations. 

on Eimarméne

Intellectual meditation on Eimarméne will allow you to explore the concept of cosmic order and destiny. A deeper understanding of this force that predetermines under what conditions events occur.

Philosophical contemplation on Eimarméne, is a deep dive to your own self, being, and Life. You can lure the answers to your Present Questions and view the possible Future.

on Four Causes

Intellectual meditation on the Four Causes, is a decision for an exploration of the reasons and goals that underpin your existence and actions.

Philosophical contemplation on the Four Causes,  invites a deeper exploration of the soul's inner drives and purpose.

on Causalities

Intellectual meditation on Causalities, aligns your goals and aspirations with your true potential. Lead yourself to to a purpose-driven life that sources to core identity and calibrate the fundamental aspects of your being in accord to your inherent dynamics.

Philosophical contemplation on Causalities, will enable the alignment with inherent purpose, and harmonize the self with essence. This trail leads to a deep connection to existence & amplifies being.


The end of a melody is not its goal ; but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end , it would not have reached its goal either. A parable. | eso-alchemy.gr ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

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Other ¶8 Articles :

Ontology - existential philosophy.
Synthesis • "Hellenic Ontology of Psyche" .


#CosmicWisdomGr, is a meta-ontological project with which i aim to enable & nurture Spiritual cultivation; to enhance our Minds with Wisdom of Cosmos & profound Truths of Reality, as discovered by Cosmic Consciousnesses of ancient Greece that explored Nature and unveiled it's elements and Essence.

With a constellation of philosophers that took wings up to the realm of Forms and Stoicism as the grounding node, we explore timeless wisdom and pursue spiritual cultivation.

❈ Visit the Project's Archway to converge with the philosophers, their core theories, ethics, metaphysics, and overall contribution to Episteme (aka Philosophy). Additionally, gain an in depth understanding of the chosen philosophers' contributions to Spiritual Cultivation.

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Intellectual Meditations

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and experience Cosmic Forms & Ideas.

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ultivate your Spirit via the path of Intellect.

Meditate on and Contemplate with,
concepts & theories, symbols & archetypes.

An intro guide is available here.

eso-alchemy.gr ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

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