Pythagorean Arithmosophia
Prime & Perfect numbers

❝ Number is the key to the world. It manifests its active presence in every thing because everything is in motion, every motion is subject to a law and an order, of which number is the expression. All nature obeys an order, therefore man, as a microcosm, is subject to this order and the power of number. ❞ - Jean Mallinger

An important teaching concerning the so-called "prime" numbers is this : Prime numbers are those that are only divisible by themselves.

Every natural number can be written as a product of prime numbers. These first numbers symbolize, so to speak, the first principles, the bases of beings.

Since every number can be formulated as a product (i.e., "begotten") of prime numbers, prime numbers stand just above unity, in the hierarchy of beings.

In a way the first numbers show the dimensions of the beings.

The combination of prime numbers is through verticality, which also shows fertility relationships. Thus each number is perpendicularly related to the other.

A number is called perfect if the sum of its divisors ~ potential parents ~ gives us that number itself.
In Neoplatonism 'perfect' is that which returns to itself.

Pythagoras himself is still credited with the discovery of "asymmetric" numbers.
This came from the relationship between the diagonal of a square and its side
. ꘏

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