| Philosophy - Cosmic Wisdom Gr - Proclus

on Mathematical operations

 - & a sprinkle of _self -

As we navigate the simple arithmetic of addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction, let us expand our perspectives and recognize the intricate dance of these operations in the tapestry pf every day life and the symphony of existence.
Addition in math is a process of combining two or more numbers.
In Life, addition is the basic operation with which we structure each day.
From the moment we wake up, we add actions "sequentially" until the end of the day, when we examine our "sum" .

• By reflecting on our sum we can realize weaknesses or other obstacles.
• By examining our daily sum, we can create data-points of our Being's quality.
Multiplication indicates how many times a number is added to itself.
In life, multiplication is the operation we use whenever we want to examine the repetitiveness of our actions & choices within a timeframe.

• Patterns acknowledgement, realization of habitual behavior, etc.
Division indicates how many equal quantities add up to a specific number.
As to translate it to everyday-life terms, division is the operation we use when we want to specify our actions & choices, by categorizing them (regardless of criteria used).

Subtraction represents removal of objects from a collection.

In life, subtraction is our deductive reasoning, which is a prominent (& safe) method to reach Truth.

Deductive reasoning is a logical thinking process that uses the top-down approach to go from the more general to the more specific. It involves the usage of general assumptions and logical premises to arrive at a logical conclusion.

• In Parmenidean terms, we are to subtract our own "Opinion" that is created in everyday life, from our view of Life and Cosmos.

• Our daily task is to subtract bodily affections & all psychoemotional ripples of everyday life, from Psyche's condition.

#CosmicWisdomGr Proclus

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