∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

#CosmicWisdomGr Proclus

Articles Index Philosopher's threshold

#CWGR Archway

Elements of Theology • Proclus

The Elements of Theology is a compendium of 211 propositions that presents a concise systematization of Neoplatonic philosophy, with no attempt at radical innovation.
Proclus uses the term 'theology' as in the study of the 'first principles' of all things.
The book is a complex work that discusses various philosophical and theological topics, including the nature of the divine, the relationship between the One and the many, and the different orders of beings. The arguments listed cover a range of these topics, including the nature of the Good, the unity of the One beyond all beings, and the three theological hypostases.
Complementary Reading : 211 Propositions Commentary by Thomas Taylor
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Intellectual Meditations

To further explore philosophical concepts,
delve into the Essence of Universal Truths,

expand your mental horizons towards infinity,
and experience Cosmic Forms & Ideas,

ultivate your Spirit via the path of Intellect.

Meditate on and Contemplate with,
concepts & theories, symbols & archetypes.

An intro guide is available here. ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy
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