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Plotinus • Enneads • Book 3

- overview of tractates -

The Third Ennead discusses the nature of Providence and Free Will, and describes the nature of Time and Eternity.

These tractates collectively contribute to a deeper exploration of metaphysical concepts, divine providence, the nature of love, and the relationship between the soul and higher realities within Plotinus's philosophical system.

They provide valuable insights into Neoplatonic thought and its implications for understanding the nature of the cosmos and the soul's journey.


1. iii.1 [3] Fate
2. iii.2 [47]On providence i
3. iii.3 [48]On providence ii
4. iii.4 [15]Our tutelary spirit.
5. iii.5 [50]Love
6. iii.6 [26]The impassivity of the unembodied.
7. iii.7 [45]Time and eternity
8. iii.8 [30]Nature contemplation and the one
9. iii.9 [13]Detached considerations


1. Fate (iii.1): This tractate delves into the concept of fate and its role within Plotinus's metaphysical framework. Plotinus examines whether fate is a deterministic force or if there is room for free will. He explores the idea of destiny as it relates to the soul's journey and the principles of the One, Intellect, and Soul.

2. On Providence I (iii.2): In the first part of his discussion on providence, Plotinus explores the idea of divine providence as a guiding and ordering principle in the cosmos. He contemplates how the One and Intellect influence the unfolding of events and the providential nature of reality.

3. On Providence II (iii.3): Building on the previous tractate, Plotinus continues his exploration of divine providence. He delves into the relationship between the One, Intellect, and the Soul, and their role in governing the cosmos. This tractate deepens our understanding of the metaphysical foundations of providence.

4. Our Tutelary Spirit (iii.4): Plotinus discusses the concept of the tutelary spirit, which acts as a guardian or protector of the soul. He explores how the soul is guided and influenced by higher spiritual beings. This analysis touches on the soul's relationship with divine intermediaries.

5. Love (iii.5): This tractate explores the concept of love within the Neoplatonic framework. Plotinus discusses love as a unifying force that draws the soul toward higher realities. He contemplates the role of love in the soul's ascent and its connection to the One and Intellect.

6. The Impassivity of the Unembodied (iii.6): Plotinus examines the idea of the unembodied and its state of impassivity. He discusses how the unembodied transcends material experiences and emotions, emphasizing its connection to the realm of pure intellect and the One.

7. Time and Eternity (iii.7): In this tractate, Plotinus contemplates the nature of time and its relationship to eternity. He explores how time is a product of the soul's experience and discusses the concept of eternal intelligible realities. This analysis addresses the metaphysical aspects of time and eternity.

8. Nature, Contemplation, and the One (iii.8): Plotinus explores the connection between nature, contemplation, and the One. He discusses how the contemplation of nature can lead the soul toward an understanding of the One. This tractate emphasizes the transformative power of intellectual contemplation.

9. Detached Considerations (iii.9): In the closing tractate, Plotinus offers detached considerations that touch on various philosophical topics. He provides insights into the soul's detachment from material concerns and the importance of intellectual reflection in the pursuit of higher truths.

Descriptions of tractates per Book :

Ennead 1 - Ennead 2 - Ennead 4 - Ennead 5 - Ennead 6

#CosmicWisdomGr Plotinus

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Available readings on Bookshelf :

Enneads - Plotinus (by Porphyry)

Meditate with Plotinus' Enneads,

Embark, as a self, to a Soul transformative Journey
To further explore Plotinus' philosophical concepts,
delve into the Essence of Universal Truths,
explore the Nature of the Soul,
and meet Virtues & Vices,

Noetically travel the cosmic trails of Plotinus
and further cultivate your Spirit via the path of Intellect.

Meditate on and Contemplate with,
concepts & theories, symbols & archetypes.

An intro guide is available here. ∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy
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