∞ Laboratory of Esoteric Alchemy for Virtuous Spiritual Ascendance. Working with essences. Φinding Balances. | X • @_EsoAlchemy

Plotinus • Enneads • Book 2

- overview of tractates -

The second Ennead deals with “natural philosophy, including the physical universe and subjects connected with it” (VP 24.37–39).

It investigates the nature of matter, and describes the relation between potentiality and actuality.

Also it includes a series of detailed studies in conceptual analysis, which may serve as a kind of toolbox for reading the rest of his work and for understanding its logical structure and architecture.


1. ii.1 [40] On the kosmos or on the heavenly system
2. ii.2 [14] The heavenly circuit
3. ii.3 [52] Are the stars causes?
4. ii.4 [12] Matter in its two kinds
5. ii.5 [25] On potentiality and actuality
6. ii.6 [17] Quality and form-idea
7. ii.7 [37] On complete transfusion
8. ii.8 [35] Why distant objects appear small.
9. ii.9 [33] Against those that affirm the creator of the kosmos and the kosmos itself to be evil: [generally quoted as "against the gnostics"]


1. On the Kosmos or On the Heavenly System (ii.1): This tractate delves into the nature of the cosmos and its relationship to higher metaphysical principles. Plotinus explores the cosmic order, the unity of the cosmos, and its connection to the One. It serves as a foundational analysis of the metaphysical structure of the universe.
2. The Heavenly Circuit (ii.2): In this tractate, Plotinus discusses the circular motion of the celestial bodies and their significance within his metaphysical framework. He examines the heavenly circuit as a symbol of eternal movement and the unity of the intelligible realm. This analysis highlights the cosmic harmony present in the cosmos.
3. Are the Stars Causes? (ii.3): Plotinus contemplates whether the stars have a causal role in the material world. He explores the relationship between celestial bodies and terrestrial events. This tractate touches on the interconnectedness of the cosmos and the idea of cosmic influence.
4. Matter in Its Two Kinds (ii.4): Plotinus examines the nature of matter, distinguishing between two kinds: intelligible matter and sensible matter. He discusses how intelligible matter serves as the substrate for the Forms. This analysis contributes to understanding the metaphysical basis of material existence.
5. On Potentiality and Actuality (ii.5): This tractate explores the concepts of potentiality and actuality within Plotinus's metaphysical system. He discusses how the transition from potentiality to actuality occurs and its implications for the manifestation of realities. It touches upon the dynamic nature of existence.
6. Quality and Form-Idea (ii.6): Plotinus delves into the relationship between quality and the Form-Idea. He examines how qualities in the material world are derived from higher Forms and Ideas. This analysis connects the material realm with the intelligible realm through the concept of quality.
7. On Complete Transfusion (ii.7): This tractate discusses the notion of complete transfusion or blending within the metaphysical framework. Plotinus explores how principles and realities can intermingle, resulting in a unified experience. It addresses the unity and interconnectedness of metaphysical entities.
8. Why Distant Objects Appear Small (ii.8): Plotinus examines the perception of distant objects appearing small. He delves into the relationship between sensory perception and the nature of reality. This tractate touches on the limitations of sensory experience and the role of the intellect in understanding the world.
9. Against Those That Affirm the Creator of the Kosmos and the Kosmos Itself to Be Evil (ii.9): In this closing tractate, Plotinus presents arguments against the notion that the creator of the cosmos and the cosmos itself are evil. He defends the goodness and order of the cosmos within his Neoplatonic framework, emphasizing the moral and metaphysical implications of this perspective.

Descriptions of tractates per Book :

Ennead 1 - Ennead 3 - Ennead 4 - Ennead 5 - Ennead 6

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Available readings on Bookshelf :

Enneads - Plotinus (by Porphyry)

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