Plotinus' • Enneads
- a journey to En -
The Enneads serve as a comprehensive guide
for the soul's journey towards the One,
the first principle of all.
Through his teachings, we can gain insights into the nature of the soul, its descent into the physical body, and the subsequent ascent back to its true self. Additionally, the Enneads offer valuable guidance on leading a virtuous life and attaining spiritual enlightenment.
Delving into these writings enables one to attain a deeper understanding of the fundamental aspects of reality, including knowledge and intelligible reality.୭ Conversion from the lower life: This is the first stage of the journey, where the soul turns away from the material world and begins to seek the divine.
୭ Awakening to the nature of the soul: The first ascent consists of two steps, the first within the sphere of the Soul itself, its awakening to a realization of its own nature.
∞ The soul realizes that it is not just a body, but also a spiritual being. It becomes aware of its own nature and begins to seek a deeper understanding of itself .
୭ Separation and self-possession: The soul becomes aware of itself and retreats within to become the possessor of all.
∞ The soul realizes that it is separate from the material world and that it has the power to control its own destiny. It becomes self-possessed and begins to take control of its own spiritual journey.
୭ Identification with the object: The soul identifies with the object of its contemplation and becomes one with it.
∞ The soul realizes that it can become one with the divine by contemplating it.
It identifies with the divine and becomes one with it.
୭ Union with the One: The final stage of the journey involves the soul's union with the One, which is the ultimate goal of the ascent.
∞ The soul realizes that the One is the ultimate reality and that it can become one with it. It unites with the One and becomes one with all things.
Overview of each Enneads' contents
The titles link to overviews of tractates.
• First Ennead discusses the nature of virtue, happiness, and beauty.
In the First Ennead, Plotinus lays the philosophical groundwork for his entire metaphysical system, introducing the principles of the One, Intellect, and Psyche and their intricate interplay. These treatises provide a solid foundation for understanding his later works in the 'Enneads' and his Neoplatonic philosophy as a whole.
Lastly, the First Ennead also explains how Platonic dialectic may be used as a method of understanding reality.
• Second Ennead investigates the nature of matter, and describes the relation between potentiality and actuality.
• Third Ennead is primarily concerned with spiritual matters on the human scale, discussing ideas such as fate, the human spirit, love, and the nature of Providence and Free Will.
It also describes the nature of Time and Eternity.
• Fourth Ennead discusses the immortality of the Soul, and examines the relation of the Soul to the body.
• Fifth Ennead discusses the three hypostases (or underlying principles) of reality: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul.
• Sixth Ennead discusses the kinds of Being which may be established by the Intellectual Principle, and describes the multiplicity of Ideas which may be found in the Intellect.
Continuing upon my -φ- path, i've blueprinted a journey with the Enneads for Winter '23.

Available readings on Bookshelf :
Intellectual Meditations
delve into the Essence of Universal Truths,
explore the Nature of the Soul,
and meet Virtues & Vices,
Noetically travel the cosmic trails of Plotinus
and further cultivate your Spirit via the path of Intellect.
concepts & theories, symbols & archetypes.
An intro guide is available here.