Dialogues Book 5 • Plato
The last volume, contains a work of political philosophy that explores the nature of law and justice.
The dialogue takes place between an Athenian stranger and three inhabitants of the island of Crete, and covers a wide range of topics related to legal and political theory.
The dialogue begins with a discussion of the ideal constitution, and the stranger suggests that the laws should be based on reason and justice, rather than on the whims of individuals or the opinions of the majority.
Then, the dialogue goes on to explore the role of law in maintaining order and promoting virtue, as well as the relationship between law and morality. The stranger also argues that the laws should be adapted to the particular circumstances of each city, rather than being imposed from above.
The dialogue concludes with a discussion of the importance of education in shaping citizens who will be able to uphold the laws and live virtuous lives.
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