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Parmenides • in Plato's Dialogues

Plato's Parmenides is a dialogue found in the Fourth Book,  that critically examines the theory of forms, a set of metaphysical and epistemological doctrines articulated and defended by the character Socrates in the dialogues of Plato’s middle period.

The dialogue recounts a conversation between Socrates, Parmenides, and Zeno, in which Parmenides challenges Socrates' version of the theory of forms, and then proceeds to offer a series of potentially devastating challenges to the theory.

Socrates attempts to explain the theory of forms, which is meant to demonstrate the relationship between sense perception of the world and logical form, or the content of our abstractions. Parmenides then challenges Socrates' version of the theory of forms and offers a series of potentially devastating challenges to the theory.

These challenges, with Parmenides' Ways of Inquiry being inherent,  are followed by a piece of intellectual "gymnastics" consisting of eight strings of arguments (Deductions) that are in some way designed to help us see how to protect the theory of forms against the challenges.

These deductions are meant to be a rigorous examination of the assumptions and implications of the theory of forms, and to test the coherence and validity of the theory.

The dialogue is structured as an "aporetic" dialogue, which means that it presents a series of puzzles or apparent dilemmas that need to be resolved. The way of Truth is associated with the resolution of these puzzles, while the way of Opinion is associated with the uncritical acceptance of appearances and the opinions of others.

The Challenges of Parmenides

  • Parmenides questions Socrates' initial acceptance of the claim that there is a separate form corresponding to every predicate or property.

  • He challenges the coherence of the theory of forms by arguing that the forms cannot be known or spoken of, since they are not sensible.

  • He also argues that the theory of forms leads to a regress, since there must be a form of the form, and so on ad infinitum.

  • Parmenides argues that the theory of forms leads to a multiplicity of forms, since there must be a form for every property of every object.

  • Lastly, Parmenides argues that the theory of forms leads to a contradiction, since the forms are supposed to be eternal and unchanging, but they must also participate in the sensible world, which is constantly changing.

The eight deductions

  • If Unity exists, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If Unity does not exist, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms are many, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms are one, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms are both many and one, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms participate in the things that participate in them, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms do not participate in the things that participate in them, certain specific conclusions follow.

  • If the Forms both participate and do not participate in the things that participate in them, certain specific conclusions follow.


Intellectual Meditation on Plato's "Parmenides"

Parmenides' objections to the theory of forms require profound reflection, and meditation can provide a space for such contemplation. By meditating on these challenges, we can delve into the nature of reality, questioning the fundamental concepts and assumptions that underlie our intellectual pursuits.

This process can enable our meta-cognition by promoting self-awareness and critical evaluation of our thought processes, helping us refine our discursive thinking and better strategize on the noetic facet of our self-development.

On a spiritual level, meditation on Parmenides' challenges can lead to a greater sense of philosophical and existential understanding.

Engaging with these profound questions can foster a sense of humility, acknowledging the limits of human comprehension and the enduring mysteries of the universe. This can inspire a deep sense of wonder, curiosity, and a stronger connection with the philosophical and intellectual traditions that have grappled with these questions throughout history.

The spiritual gain lies in the pursuit of wisdom and a greater appreciation for the complexity and depth of human thought, potentially leading to a more fulfilling intellectual and spiritual journey.

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The 'Parmenides' dialogue is found at the Fourth Book of Plato's dialogues.

An intro guide for Intellectual Meditations is available here.

And an explanatory article on Types of Reasoning, aiming to leverage methods.


#CosmicWisdomGr Parmenides

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